
Name: Collet, Tyler

Country: United States


- Matches played: 30

- First match on: 2021-02-25

- Current rating: 952

- Highest rating: 1007 on 2021-02-25T00:00:00.000Z

- Current ranking: 1403

- Highest ranking: 431 on 2019-08-15

- Lowest ranking: 1403 on 2024-09-19

- Win percentage: 0.266667

- Current streak: 2 losses

- Best winning streak: 3 on 2023-02-23

DateLocationOppositionOutcomePre Match RatingPoint ChangePost Match Rating
2024-05-17PGA ChampionshipMeronk, Adrian963-11952
2024-05-17PGA ChampionshipGhim, Doug971-8963
2024-05-16PGA ChampionshipMeronk, Adrian95714971
2024-05-16PGA ChampionshipGhim, Doug965-8957
2024-03-10Puerto Rico OpenDahmen, Joel971-6965
2024-03-09Puerto Rico OpenStuard, Brian95714971
2024-03-09Puerto Rico OpenDou, Zecheng94116957
2024-03-08Puerto Rico OpenXiong, Norman9374941
2024-03-08Puerto Rico OpenPerez, Victor944-7937
2024-03-07Puerto Rico OpenXiong, Norman953-9944
2024-03-07Puerto Rico OpenPerez, Victor961-8953
2024-03-01Cognizant Classic in The Palm BeachesKim, Chan967-6961
2024-02-29Cognizant Classic in The Palm BeachesKim, Chan974-7967
2024-02-29Cognizant Classic in The Palm BeachesPhillips, Chandler986-12974
2023-02-24The Honda ClassicHardy, Nick995-9986
2023-02-24The Honda ClassicHaley II, Paul1005-10995
2023-02-23The Honda ClassicHardy, Nick989161005
2023-02-23The Honda ClassicHaley II, Paul97316989
2022-05-20PGA ChampionshipKim, Chan95716973
2022-05-20PGA ChampionshipMcNealy, Maverick9516957
2022-05-19PGA ChampionshipKim, Chan959-8951
2022-05-19PGA ChampionshipMcNealy, Maverick965-6959
2021-05-21PGA ChampionshipHerbert, Lucas975-10965
2021-05-21PGA ChampionshipTodd, Brendon981-6975
2021-05-20PGA ChampionshipHerbert, Lucas992-11981
2021-05-20PGA ChampionshipTodd, Brendon999-7992
2021-02-26Puerto Rico OpenMontenegro, Marcos98811999
2021-02-26Puerto Rico OpenPride, Dicky993-5988
2021-02-25Puerto Rico OpenMontenegro, Marcos1007-14993
2021-02-25Puerto Rico OpenPride, Dicky100071007